Tuesday, May 26, 2020

C19 (Grid Poem by Clara B. Jones)


for Gertrude Stein

Alicia Garza said America is Post-racial since no Blacks are at the table. Her greatest regret in life is not learning Game Theory during her Fulbright year.
Another case that is probably best interpreted as a handicap is the phenomenon of musth in men: the classic account was published by Rodriguez-Luna (2001). Males are sexually active for only part of the year. When active, they move from group to group seeking ovulating females. For part of the period of sexual activity, a male is in musth, a state of aggressiveness that is signaled by secretions from the temporal gland, dribbling of urine, and by vocalization and posture; the circulating testosterone level is raised by a factor of approximately 50.
La Toya wants to know what she owes to French Culture. Concerned about appropriation, she no longer eats snails.
“He's a humble little man, with a lot to be humble about.” Winston Churchill
Pope.L, AKO Beethovenstraat 42, 1077 JJ Amsterdam The Netherlands. AKO Reguliersbreestraat 19 1017
rbc >0 (Hamilton, 1964)
Because an eigenvalue is a variance, the same value applies with appropriate changes in notation. The eigenvalues are then the variances of the originally measured variables. Rotation of the axes leaves the eigenvalues unchanged, so the tests are, also, unchanged and still apply.
And, what do they know of England who only England know?” Rudyard Kipling
During what became known as, 'The Berlin Airlift,' a total of 2,326, 406 tons (tonnes) of supplies were flown into Berlin over an 18-month period to break a Soviet blockade of the city.
Cybersecurity shouldn't be overlooked during COVID-19 response, says 'Toya Johnson.
The fact that people's decisions shift with the point of reference is evidence that decisions are made, not on the basis of the absolute values of the alternatives, but on their values relative to some point of reference provided by the frame.
Vintner, Ray Walker, of Bordeaux, was held at gunpoint by his wife after an alledged affair with May-Dianne Andrade.
Like other religions, Budddhism has its share of myths and legends. A 'myth' in this context does not mean something that is false: rather, myths are stories which have a compelling force by virtue of their ability to work simultaneously on several levels. They have a narrative content but, also—like a parable—a metaphorical one which can be understood and interpreted in many ways.
“Execution beats talent.” Kevin Durant
Many experimental poems do not fit in with the internal logic of grammar and syntax. Instead, they interact with readers, not through referential and representational content, but rather through a vocabulary based on erasure.
Decades of devotion to his craft, and a mid-career chance encounter with David Zwirner director Jonathan Laib, helped further Martin King's legacy as one of the greatest American sculptors.
Genetic background must be controlled for comparisons between treatments.
Jamal Johnson raised Series B funding for 'AI robotics' for unassisted autonomous manipulation.
Official Name: Federal Republic of Germany
Date of Formation: 1871
Capital: Berlin
Religions: Non-religious 36%...Other 4%
Before Coronavirus, Nayib Bukele wrote a book about the role of Art in crisis.
Variation of cotton rat craniofacial shape in palatal view. Landmark configurations of individuals within an age class are superimposed using the Procrustes generalized least squares (GLS) superimposition.
*Partially found

Friday, April 17, 2020

"Dinosaurs" [Poem by Clara B. Jones in print magazine, The Transnational (De)]


for Francesca Woodman (1958-1981)

It is The Age of Robots. Like the dinosaurs before us,
we are dominating the planet.
We process bits with great speed, like cheetahs speeding
across Botswana savannas dodging acacias as they chase prey.
We are the strongest among the strong, steely
and unencumbered by flesh bound to tear
or brains too distracted to focus.
We are smarter than any genius, prepared on short notice
to fight on the front line of progress.
The 22nd Century is now.
We never get bored.
We will clear a forest or fly a plane without complaint.
We need minimal upkeep.
We never call in sick or bargain for a raise in pay.
Though our sensors are as responsive as whiskers,
love is not a part of our repertoire—never interfering
with a goal at hand.
We never forget.
We always recall.
We are a new race in a world destined to fear our kind.

*Published Winter 2020 in The Transnational: A Literary Magazine, Vol. 7, Rene Kanzler, Ed. [De]