Monday, October 2, 2017

summa cum laude (Poem by Clara B. Jones)

summa cum laude

Your therapist said she wanted you dead, but mother rarely treated you badly. She made a lot of mistakes like neurons misfiring or father getting lost in the forest. Lobelia grew out of oak trees, and howler monkeys walked across a land bridge while jaguars bred in dry season watching toucans feeding insects to their young. You are a woman with army ants crawling in your hair. You are a woman who rode to Cañas on a bus with 5 campesinos and a lizard salesman traveling to Santa Rosa before father baked paca and rice for mother who bought tortillas at the cantina, circuits alive and hot as tarmac in Summer—black and viscous as lake silt. Father hid in mother's closet—her silks touching his cheeks, her scent seductive like Inga flowers—xanthous as her skin at dawn when gray sunlight reminded him of the last time he felt joy.

You build fembots.
Life is unfair and unstable.
Coloreds speak Danish.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Psychopathology Sonnet (by Clara B. Jones)

Psychopathology Sonnet

for Judy Blume

1. I was confined for three years after he left.
2. I am mentally ill and allergic to cheese.
3a. My diagnosis is grim, but your marriage is strong.
3b. I left Munich with men who wanted a tryst.
3c. Self-actualization is my goal though I don't have a job.
4. The economy lost 8% this month, but traders are bullish.
5. Dick committed Betsy for life when she started to rebel.
6. The more choices I have the sicker I am.
7. Hitler admired Kandinsky's art but labeled it grotesque.
8. I woke from my coma after three days of treatment.
9. I am homeless now but plan to take an online course.
10. I was diagnosed bi-polar, but my son calls me schizoid.
11. Before Freud fled Vienna, he said Hitler would save him.
12. I wanted to falsify it, but Science is not my strength.

13a. I traded a bottle of Pinot Noir for a bag of chips.
13b. Replicants govern Brooktondale.
14. Anxiety is contagious but curable.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Paris (1985) (Poem by Clara B. Jones)

Paris (1985)

"My greatest regret in life is that I was not born someone else." Woody Allen

Oksana Boyko's cost analysis showed AI
is efficient since growth depends on
psychic shifts (and global stability) though
a wave of terrorism has raised alarm. Inflation
is part of the game, but progress can't
be made with martial zeal alone. The
web of proxy power depends on fembots,
and you are determined to expose 
false claims, but there is a chance of system
failure and loss of ice on Earth. You know
there is no free lunch, and French corporations
reap rewards of Europe's markets while Barbara
makes boredom sculptures and text art displayed
in Sean's gallery ruling symbolically and
materially, showing you that fear controls both the
marginalized and elite. You have always been
drawn to men who are sensible and fearless,
using their frontal lobes to negotiate deals, so
you know that morality is an overlay
preventing exposure to the toxic effects of dendrobatids.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

East Hill (Poem by Clara B. Jones)

East Hill

George Stubbs designs elite architecture,
drawing analytically in a moral mode while
Stonehenge memorializes Druid rituals like
landscape simplification and “top-down” and the digital field...
Refugees flee conflict zones and
hackers stream live on TV though bots
spread online when pixel images are
sold for profit. 3-D computer feeds
and lab studies fail to measure synth
awareness but William Irons proved that
matriarchy is unstable...personality traits...
Diversity-dependent scale is complex
if fundamental social units follow
Hamilton's Rule since network theory
leads to chaos through high-tolerance
inbreeding caused by drift. Searching
for general laws is a matter of modeling
humans as insects if you have typical
responses to animals in soil-disturbance regimes.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Hacienda La Pacifica (Poem by Clara B. Jones)

Hacienda La Pacifica

for Vreni Hagnauer

You gender ecosystems and race exotic pets to
save wilderness in Canas where poachers wild
monkeys or that is how it seems to me...stay
away from replicants...Troy Day is your role
model since math is your strongest subject and
landscapes are rugged when life is not what you
thought it would be...whose fault is it when
aggressive advertising is permitted by law if you
order Chinese take-out in San Jose before boarding
the bus to become more attractive
as you age but are not confused by the contradictions
of men or celebrations of wealth along class lines...
internet-deployed have a GATA4
mutation allowing you to hear in the ultrasonic range
and to share codes with bats roosting in strangler
figs while tapirs roam dry forest in rainy season
and clines promote species scaling...stress gradient...
trophic cascades alter group-level thinking and you
are now a matrón with 2,000 campesinos under 
your watch...repression of selfishness in human transactions.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

/bees/ (Poem by Clara B. Jones)


for C. Dalton Jones

Are you getting the most you can out of life? Did
you tell them all there's left to remember? They said
Do no harm unless your life depends on it since
you were a student before they hired you to sell mutual
funds. Their fembot was failing so you bought
shares in the company. One data point never makes
a pattern. They are a woman you trusted when your
life was at risk and your tire went flat in a bad
neighborhood before they called their cousin's
garage. They traded drone circuits on Wall Street but
most of their money was tied up in hedge funds though
housing stock in Montclair had lost its value. You were
asked to do it because you were ready but they were
class-normative which changed your plans for the future.
They let wealth compound but won't leave home so
they can't escape word games and quarterly losses.