Friday, July 28, 2017

Psychopathology Sonnet (by Clara B. Jones)

Psychopathology Sonnet

for Judy Blume

1. I was confined for three years after he left.
2. I am mentally ill and allergic to cheese.
3a. My diagnosis is grim, but your marriage is strong.
3b. I left Munich with men who wanted a tryst.
3c. Self-actualization is my goal though I don't have a job.
4. The economy lost 8% this month, but traders are bullish.
5. Dick committed Betsy for life when she started to rebel.
6. The more choices I have the sicker I am.
7. Hitler admired Kandinsky's art but labeled it grotesque.
8. I woke from my coma after three days of treatment.
9. I am homeless now but plan to take an online course.
10. I was diagnosed bi-polar, but my son calls me schizoid.
11. Before Freud fled Vienna, he said Hitler would save him.
12. I wanted to falsify it, but Science is not my strength.

13a. I traded a bottle of Pinot Noir for a bag of chips.
13b. Replicants govern Brooktondale.
14. Anxiety is contagious but curable.

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